The Tech Teapot's first birthday

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The Tech Teapot, or as it was originally called, the OPENXTRA Blog is one year old today. Ten categories, 186 posts, 156 comments & trackbacks and more tags than I care to count and we’re still going strong.

Thank you all for reading. A blog is nothing without readers and commenters. Extra special thanks to the following people:

Chris Garrett – Sage advice on blogging. Thanks Chris!

Robert Aronsson – creator of the Intellipool software and blog

Tarus Balog – principal for the OpenNMS project & business

Alan Lord – blogger over at The Open Sourcerer

Lukas Beeler – SMB IT blogger over at Lukas Beeler’s IT Blog

I’d better mention my OPENXTRA colleagues too (they do read this!). 😄

One thing I’ve learnt over the last year…blogging isn’t as easy as some people make it look! Writing a good post takes far more time than I would have believed a year ago.

Update: Lukas Beeler unfortunately died some time ago. Rest in peace and thank you.